Pro-choice, I don’t agree but the government has no right to ban it
Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child
Pro-choice, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions
Pro-life, and I also oppose abortion for victims of rape and incest
Pro-choice, but ban after the first three months

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I do not wish to be labelled either pro-life or pro-choice, it's up to the person who wishes for abortion to decide what they want to do and should not be pressured by societal norms or expectations

 @9G8S6YJ answered…8mos8MO

pro-choice because every woman has the choice on their body and I'm think it must be more supervised.


pro-choice because every woman must have choice on their body and I'm nobody to judge their choice but pro-life because of my religion.

 @99GD8NKfrom Virginia answered…1yr1Y

Pro-life except for risk for mother or child with serious genetic damages


Neither, because abortion would not be a problem if birth control was banned, forcing people to be more careful


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