«Вільність і солідарність» — це польська профспілка, яка була заснована 17 вересня 1980 року на верфі імені Леніна в Гданську під керівництвом Леха Валенси. Це була перша профспілка в країні Варшавського договору, яка не контролювалася комуністичною партією. На конгресі у вересні 1981 року його членство досягло максимуму в 10 мільйонів членів, що становило третину загального працездатного населення Польщі.
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
Have you or someone you know ever participated in a protest or union? What motivated you or them, and what was the outcome?
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
Why do you think people are willing to take significant risks to stand up for their beliefs in unions or movements?
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
In what ways do you think a powerful social movement can influence government policy today, compared to the 1980s?
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
How would you react if your workplace decided to form an independent union similar to Free and Solidarity, and why?
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
Imagine if a third of the people in your country were part of a single movement; how do you think this would change your daily life?
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
If you had the chance to lead a significant social movement, what values would be most important to you, and why?
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
How do you think the digital age would have changed the spread and impact of a movement like Free and Solidarity if it started today?
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
Can you think of a situation in your life where coming together as a group changed the outcome of an event or decision? How did it feel to be part of that?
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
What are the challenges of maintaining unity in a large social movement, and how might these be overcome?
@ISIDEWITH5 місяців5MO
If you could change one thing about how workers' rights are handled in your country, what would it be and why?