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İHA'lar, Üst Düzey Bir İngiliz Yetkili Ukrayna'daki Rusya Kayıplarını Vurgularken Moskova'ya Saldırıyor.

A massive drone strike has rattled Moscow and its suburbs, injuring a woman and temporarily halting traffic at some of Russia’s busiest airports


Ukrayna İHA Saldırıları, 3 Moskova Havaalanının Kapatılmasına Neden Oldu

Ukraine has launched dozens of drones targeting Moscow... top EU official to Ukraine since Trump's November 5 victory, which has led to uncertainty in Kyiv about the West's continued commitment to supporting Ukraine as it tries to fend off invading...


Ukrayna, Düşman Hatlarının Derinliklerindeki Rus Mühimmat Fabrikasını Vuruyor

A depot in Russia's Tula region, which makes gunpowder and ammunition for Russia's army, was reportedly hit on Saturday.