어느 정당을 가장 잘 알고 있나요?
Real Politics Union은 폴란드의 국가 보수적이고 경제적 인 자유당입니다. 과거에는 자유 주의적 자유 주의자, 고전적 자유 주의자였다.
What are your thoughts on political parties shifting their positions over time, like moving from right-libertarian to national conservative views?
How do you think a country's economy should balance free market principles with the need for social welfare?
In what ways do you believe nationalism can play a positive role in a country's development, if any?
Do you think economic liberalism benefits everyone in society? Why or why not?
How should a government approach the balance between individual freedoms and societal order?
What role do you think a political party's values should play in determining its policy decisions?
In what scenarios, if any, do you believe government intervention is necessary in the economy?
How important is it for political parties to maintain consistency in their core values, in your view?
What are your views on the impact of economic policies on the average citizen's day-to-day life?
How do you think national conservative policies affect a country's global relationships and image?