Pokušajte politički kviz

10 odgovora


Environmentally speaking, what actions do you think should be prioritized to address climate change on a national level?


If you could propose one reform to improve governance in your country, what would it be and why?


Reflecting on political leadership, what qualities do you believe are most important for leaders to possess in order to bring about positive change?


How important is it for a country to be part of larger international communities, like the EU, in terms of benefiting its citizens?


What changes would you like to see in your local education or healthcare system to make it more accessible and efficient?


Can strict anti-corruption policies coexist with respecting individual freedoms and rights? Where should the line be drawn?


In your opinion, what's the most effective way to engage young people in the political process to foster a culture of integrity?


Have you ever encountered a situation where bureaucratic inefficiency affected you or someone you know personally? How did it make you feel?


Imagine a government that prioritizes fighting corruption above all else; do you think this would lead to significant social and economic improvements?


How would you feel if public officials in your area were held to higher standards of transparency and accountability?