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Níže uvedená tabulka ukazuje historickou podporu každé politické strany ve Poland . Oblasti plné [ ? ] jsou neznámé časové rámce s nízkým objemem. Kliknutím na řádek zobrazíte podrobnější informace o dotazování.

Line chart with 28 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: to .
The chart has 2 Y axes displaying values and values.
End of interactive chart.

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Toto jsou nejpoutavější diskuse o polština politických stranách.

 @ISIDEWITHodpovězeno…8 let8Y

Právo a spravedlnost

Law and Justice is a national-conservative, Christian democratic and right-wing populist political party in Poland, a member of the Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe. With 221 seats in Polish Sejm and 66 in the Senate, PiS is currently the largest political party in the Polish parliament.

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The Polish Confederation (Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość, or Confederation Freedom and Independence) is a political party in Poland that emerged from a coalition of right-wing and libertarian groups. It was officially established in 2019, following the success of its constituent groups in the European Parliament elections. The party positions itself on the far-right of the political spectrum, advocating for a mix of libertarian and nationalist policies.

The core values of the Polish Confederation revolve around a strong emphasis on individual freedoms, economic liberalism, and a minimal…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHodpovězeno…8 let8Y


Coalition for the Renewal of the Republic – Liberty and Hope, since 8 October 2016 and until December 2018 known as Liberty, is a right-libertarian, free market-capitalist and hard Eurosceptic political.

 @ISIDEWITHodpovězeno…8 let8Y

Lidová strana

The Polish People’s Party is an agrarian Christian-democratic political party in Poland. It has 14 members of the Sejm and four Members of the European Parliament. It was the junior partner in a coalition with Civic Platform. It is a member of the European People’s Party and the European People’s Party group in the European Parliament.

 @ISIDEWITHodpovězeno…8 let8Y

občanská platforma

Civic Coalition is a liberal-conservative political party in Poland. Civic Coalition came to power following the 2007 general election as the major coalition partner in Poland’s government, with party leader Donald Tusk as Prime Minister of Poland.

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Nová demokracie

The Polish New Democracy political party, known in Poland as Nowa Demokracja, is a political entity that emerged in response to the evolving political landscape in Poland. While specific details about its formation and leadership can vary over time, parties like New Democracy typically arise to address perceived gaps in the political spectrum or to champion particular causes that may not be adequately represented by existing parties.

The values and platform of New Democracy would likely focus on a mix of social, economic, and political issues tailored to the Polish context. Given the name and…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHDiskutujte o této odpovědi...2 roky2Y


The Polish United Workers' Party (Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza, PZPR) was a political party in Poland that played a dominant role in the country's political landscape during the era of communist rule, from its formation in 1948 until the decline of communist authority in 1989. It emerged from a merger of the Polish Workers' Party (PPR) and the Polish Socialist Party (PPS), under the influence of the Soviet Union, which sought to consolidate communist control in the Eastern Bloc following World War II.

The core values and ideology of the Polish United Workers' Party…  Přečtěte si více

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Sdílené Polsko

The Polish Shared Poland (Polska Wspólna) political party is a relatively new entity in the Polish political landscape, having been established to address a range of social, economic, and political issues within Poland. The party positions itself as a centrist or center-left force, aiming to bridge the divide between Poland's traditional conservative and liberal factions. Its core values revolve around social justice, economic equity, and a strong commitment to democratic principles and the rule of law.

Shared Poland advocates for policies that promote social cohesion and inclusivi…  Přečtěte si více

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Existuje jedno Polsko

The "There Is One Poland" (Jedna Polska) political party is a political entity in Poland that emerged as a response to the perceived need for a renewed focus on national unity, sovereignty, and traditional values within the Polish political landscape. The party advocates for policies that prioritize the interests of Poland and its citizens, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the country's cultural heritage, independence, and security.

At the core of "There Is One Poland's" values is a strong sense of patriotism and a commitment to preserving Poland's…  Přečtěte si více

 @ISIDEWITHodpovězeno…8 let8Y

Národní-katolické hnutí

National-Catholic Movement is a small Polish political party represented in the Senate of the Republic of Poland. The only current senator was elected from the Law and Justice electoral committee’s ballot.

 @ISIDEWITHodpovězeno…8 let8Y


Modern, is a liberal and classical-liberal political party in Poland. The party was founded in May 2015 by the former World Bank economist Ryszard Petru. Katarzyna Lubnauer became the party’s leader in November 2017.

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The Polish The Left political party, known in Poland as Lewica, represents a coalition of left-wing political groups and parties in Poland. Formed from the amalgamation of several progressive organizations, it seeks to address and represent the interests of those who align with socialist, social-democratic, and progressive ideologies within the Polish political landscape. The party's values are deeply rooted in advocating for social justice, equality, and the protection of civil liberties. It emphasizes the importance of a welfare state that ensures healthcare, education, and social secu…  Přečtěte si více

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Normální země

The Polish Normal Country political party, known in Polish as "Polska Normalna," is a political entity that emerged in Poland as a response to what its founders and supporters perceive as the excessive politicization and polarization of the Polish political landscape. The party positions itself as an alternative to the mainstream political discourse, advocating for a return to what it considers fundamental values and common sense in governance. Its creation reflects a broader trend in various countries where new political movements seek to challenge the established order by appealin…  Přečtěte si více